Cooperative Model
As a cooperative school, parents/caregivers participate by working and playing alongside the children and teachers.  Parent/caregiver support is essential to the program’s success. We ask that you be observant and promote safety while at the same time supporting children in exploring their learning interests. For example, if a child can’t climb the ladder to the top of the playhouse then they aren’t ready to safely get themselves up and down on their own.  If a child can’t yet seat themselves safely on the swings, then swinging on their belly is a better choice for them. We strive to allow them to push their own boundaries at their independent level.

Children are not allowed to hurt themselves, other children, or adults. Likewise, adults set a positive example by not using physical punishment. Adults may model behavior expectations by saying things like, “I don’t like it when people hit me,” in a strong voice.

Parent Work Day
On your work day, please arrive on time. Everyone will be depending on you to be there when camp starts for the day. When you arrive you will get a lanyard with your job description for the day on it from the Cruise Director.  Our Scheduler will send out the work schedule and assign a Cruise Director about a week before each session begins. 

Working parents/caregivers are expected to stay in their assigned areas to supervise safe play. Conversations with other adults should be kept to a minimum and attention should be on the children in your area.  We do not allow individual adults to be alone with children (unless the only child present is your own).  Working parents/caregivers must ensure there are always two adults present with any child(ren).  This often becomes an issue when a child needs bathroom help or a diaper change, visits the greenhouse, etc.  Drop-off adults/caregivers must sign the child in and out each day.

The yard gate must be closed at all times. Always be sure to close the gate behind you when you enter or leave the outdoor play area.  Do not let any other children in or out of the gate without their parent/caregiver.  If a child tries to unlock the gate or leave the gated outdoor play area without his or her parent/caregiver, please stop them immediately, explain why it is not safe and inform the parent so they can discuss this with the child.