2025 Enrollment Agreement
Parents and working adults in the Woodland Park Summer Co-Op agree to the Following:
I understand and support that the Woodland Park Summer Co-op admits members of any race, color, gender, religion, national and ethnic origin, age, handicap, or sexual orientation and does not discriminate in the administration of its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and loan programs, or other school administered programs. Provided, however, a condition of the admission of any child(ren) is that the parent(s) or guardian(s) of such child(ren) shall agree to be member(s) of the Cooperative and to comply with all of the policies, agreements, and classroom rules of the Woodland Park Summer Co-op.
I agree to be on time for my Summer Co-op workdays. I understand that timely arrival is important for the smooth functioning and safety of the Woodland Park Summer Co-op. I agree to arrive at the school earlier than the start time on workdays to ensure that all the activity stations can be available to the children.
I agree to pick up my child on time at the end of each day's session.
I agree that if I am unable to attend school on the day I am to work in the classroom, I must find a substitute. I understand and support the importance of making contingency plans ahead of time. If I cannot find a substitute, I understand that my child(ren) is (are) not allowed to attend school that day and I must notify the teacher before the start of school.
I agree to provide off-site childcare for non-enrolled siblings during class time.
I agree to attend and to bring other adults who will work at Woodland Park Summer Co-op on behalf of my family to attend the Summer Co-op orientation meeting in June 2021. This orientation is important so all Summer Co-op volunteers can learn how to fulfill the role and responsibilities of Woodland Park Summer Co-op volunteers.
HeaLth & Safety
I agree to be in good health and check my child's health before attending class. I agree that we will not attend class if my child or I have an infectious illness.
Keep my child and myself out of school if we exhibit any of the symptoms of contagious illnesses below:
• Fever of greater than 100.4 within 72 hours
• A cough
• Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
• A sore throat
• Chills
• New loss of taste of smell
• Muscle or body aches
• Congestion/running nose - not related to seasonal allergies
• Unusual fatigue
• Thick, colored nasal discharge
• 3 or more loose, watery stools within 72 hours
• Vomiting on 2 or more occasions within 72 hours
• Within 48 hours of starting antibiotics
• Any evidence of head lice
• Any unusual rashes not associated with diapering, heat or allergies.
I agree to provide accurate and complete information to Woodland Park Summer Co-op regarding the medical conditions and allergies of my child(ren) as requested in registration materials.
Be overly cautious in regard to hand washing both for adults and children at school. Hand-washing guidelines:
• Upon arrival at school
• Prior to handling or eating food
• After using the toilet, helping a child use the toilet, or changing a child’s diaper
• After adjusting a face mask, or before helping a child adjust a face mask
• After blowing nose or picking nose
I agree to provide written notice three weeks in advance of the start of any session(s) from which I am withdrawing my child(ren). I understand that $40 per child, per session is non-refundable. I understand that if I withdraw my student within three weeks of the start date of a session, no tuition refund will be provided.